Cash Report

(First select Paymode and then select option)

(Option 1)
(Option 2)
(Option 3)
(Option 4)

( Finacial Yearwise Report )
Enter Finacial Year

( Monthwise Report )
Select Year
Select Month

( Datewise Report )
Select Date

( Receipt_No_wise Report )
From Receipt No
To Receipt No

Receipts No - From
Receipts No - To
Total Receipt

Total Amount Without Concession
Total Concession Amount
Total CancelledReceipt Amount
Total Refund Amount

Total Net Collection

I.P.F. Amount 2 % of Net Collection

Receipt No OPD No Patient Name Department Amount
Receipt No Receipt Date OPD No Patient Name TotalAmt Concession Amt
Receipt No Receipt Date OPD No Patient Name Department Amount
Receipt No Receipt Date OPD No Patient Name TotalAmt Refund Amt
Godavari Foundation's
Date - 20/10/2020
Receipt No. From - To - .  (Total Receipt - )
Sr.No. Name of the Department Total Receipt Nos. Amount
Concession Amount
Cancel Receipt Amount
Receipt Refund Amount
Net Cash Collection
I.P.F. Amount 2 % of Net Collection

     Paid By(Cashier) Receiver Name & Sign
- -
Concession Receipt Details Report
Receipt No. Receipt Date No. OPD No. Name of the Patient Concession By Department Total Amount Concession Amount Paid Amount
Total Amount
Cancelled Receipt Details Report
Receipt No. Receipt Date. OPD No. Name of the Patient Department Name Total Amount
Total Amount
Refund Receipt Details Report
Receipt No. Receipt Date No. OPD No. Name of the Patient Refund By Refund DeptName Total Amount Refund Amount Paid Amount
Total Amount
Godavari Foundation's
Concession Receipt Details Report
Receipt No. Receipt Date No. OPD No. Name of the Patient Concession By Department Total Amount Concession Amount Paid Amount
Total Amount
Godavari Foundation's
Cancelled Receipt Details Report
Receipt No. Receipt Date. OPD No. Name of the Patient Department Name Total Amount
Total Amount
Godavari Foundation's
Refund Receipt Details Report
Receipt No. Receipt Date No. OPD No. Name of the Patient Refund By Total Amount Refund Amount Paid Amount
Total Amount
Godavari Foundation's
Dr. Ulhas Patil Medical College And Hospital
Receipt No. Date :
Patient Name :
OPD No. : IPD No. :
Department :
Pay Mode :
Cheque No/Online Deatails :
Bank Name :
Concession Approved By :
Hospital Copy -

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